A. Publikationen auf Englisch oder Deutsch
1. Demin M., Kouprianov A. (2021). Three centuries of German-language philosophy journals (1765-1953): a bibliometric analysis. Scientometrics. Vol. 126, No. 7, P. 5651- 5664.
2. Demin M. (2021). Wirkung: Russland in book: Jörn Bohr, Tim-Florian Goslar, Gerald Hartung, Heike Koenig (Eds) Simmel-Handbuch, Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2021
3. Demin M. Aristotle in Prussian Gymnasiums: Why the Texts of the Ancient Philosopher Became Popular for Teaching Logic, History and Philosophy of Logic, 2019. Vol. 40, No 4, P. 374–388.
4. Demin M., Kouprianov A. Studying Kanonbildung: an exercise in a distant reading of contemporary self-descriptions of the 19th century German philosophy, Social Epistemology. 2018. Vol. 32. No. 2. P. 112–127.
5. Demin M. Universities on the Market: Academic Capitalism as a Challenge and a Window of Opportunity. Russian Education and Society. 2017. Vol. 59. No. 10-12. P. 465–485
6. Demin M., DeBlasio A. Russian scholarly journals: the limits and potential of communication. Russian Journal of Communication. 2014. Vol. 6. No. 1. P. 1–5
7. Djomin M. Geist zwischen Naturwissenschaft und Idealismus: Trendelenburgs Seelenlehre. Hegel-Jahrbuch 2011. «Geist?», hg. v. A. Arndt, 2011.zweiter Teil. P. 249 –255.
8. Djomin M. The Birth of Life out of the Spirit of Soviet Science, or the Case of Ol'ga Lepeshinskaia in: Studies in Slavic Cultures VI: Stalinist culture. University of Pittsburgh, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures 2007. P.107–122.
B. Publikationen auf Russisch
1. Demin M., Kouprianov A. Dominanty, subdominanty i retsedenty: formal'nyy analiz izmeneniy kanona istorii nemetskoy filosofii v XIX veke (Dominants, Subdominants, and Recedents: a formal analysis of transformations of the canonical representation of the 19th century German Philosophy). Logos. 2020. Vol. 140. № 6. P. 147-175.
2. Demin M. Tsifrovoye otslezhivaniye kontaktov: ugroza grazhdanskoy svobode ili moral'noye obyazatel'stvo? (Digital contact tracking: a threat to civil liberty or a moral obligation?). Chelovek. 2022. Vol. 33. № 3. P. 107-118.
3. Demin M. Randomizirovannyye testy po filosofii: opyt ispol'zovaniya i statisticheskiy analiz (Randomized tests in philosophy: implementation and item analysis). The Digital Scholar: Philosopher's Lab. 2020. Vol. 3. №. 3. P. 65-82.
4. Demin M. Universitety na rynke: Akademicheskiy kapitalizm kak vyzov i kak okno vozmozhnostey (Universities on the marketplace: Academic capitalism as a challenge and as the window of opportunity). Novoye literaturnoye obozreniye. 2016. Vol. 138. № 2. P. 43–56.
5. Demin M. Dilemma professii: sovetskiye instituty i sovremennaya universitetskaya filosofiya v Rossi (The Dilemma of Professionalism: Soviet Institutions and Contemporary Philosophy in Russia) in book: Irina Savelieva, Alexander Dmitriev (Eds) Nauki o cheloveke: istoriya distsiplin. Moscow: HSE University Press, 2015. P.483–507.
6. Demin M.R. Nemetskiy universitet 19 veka i protsess distsiplinarnoy spetsializatsii filosofii (German University of the 19th Century and the Process of the Disciplinary Specialization of Philosophy). Logos. 2013. Vol. 91. № 1. P. 240–261
7. Demin M.R. Professionalizatsiya nemetskoy filosofii: ot korporativnoy avtonomii k akademicheskoy svobode (The Professionalization of German Philosophy: From Corporate Autonomy to Academic Freedom). Vestnik of Pushkin Leningrad State University. 2013. № 3. P. 186–196
8. Demin M.R. Pisatelʹ kak filosof. Filosofskaya refleksiya nad russkoy literaturoy v kontse 19 – nachale 20 vv (Litterateur as philosopher. Philosophical reflections on Russian literature in the late 19th - early 20th centuries.). Die Welt der Slaven. Internationale Halbjahresschrift für Slavistik. 2012. Vol. 57. №1. P. 59–78
9. Demin M.R. Yeshche raz ob osnovnom voprose filosofii: myshleniye i bytiye v nemetskoy filosofii serediny XIX v (Once again about the fundamental question of philosophy. Thought and being in German philosophy in the mid XIX). Epistemologiya & filosofiya nauki, 2011. Vol.29. № 3. P. 133—147
10. Demin M.R. Pravo na Kanta: k sporu Adolfa Trendelenburga i Kuno Fishera (Right to Kant: the Trendelenburg-Fischer debate) in book: Irina Griftsova, Nina Dmitriyeva (Eds) Neokantianstvo nemetskoye i russkoye: mezhdu teoriyey poznaniya i kritikoy kulʹtury. Moscow: Rosspen, 2010. P. 66–85
C. Herausgeberschaften
Trendelenburg A. Elementa Logices Aristotelicae translated by Boris Vocht (1937) with commentary and foreword by Maxim Demin. Moscow: Cannon Plus, 2017– 335 p.